The A* algorithm.


(find-path successors previous set-previous cost set-cost estimate-distance goalp start-node goal-node)
DO:                 Implement the A* algorithm.

SUCCESSORS:         a function giving for each node, the list of its

PREVIOUS:           a getter giving the current previous node for the
                    given node.

SET-PREVIOUS:       a setter to set the current previous node for the
                    given node. (lambda (new-previous node))

COST:               a getter giving the current cost of the given
                    node. The default should be +INFINITY+.

SET-COST:           a setter setting the current cost of the given
                    node. (lambda (new-cost node))

ESTIMATE-DISTANCE:  a function of two nodes returning a cost estimate
                    of the distance between them.

GOALP:              a predicate indicating whether the node is the
                    GOAL-NODE (or close enough).

START-NODE:         the start node of the searched path.

GOAL-NODE:          the end node of the searched path.

RETURN:             a path, ie. a list of nodes from START-NODE to