• pjb-advices
    This module patches various emacs functions.
  • pjb-asm7090
    asm7090 stuff.
  • pjb-banks
    This module exports functions to format back movement listings
    fetched from the web.
  • pjb-bourse
    This module exports
  • pjb-c
    This module exports C indenting functions.
  • pjb-cl
    This module exports a few Common Lisp operators missing from cl.
  • pjb-cl-faces
    Defines font-lock faces for COMMON-LISP symbols.
  • pjb-cl-magic
    Automagically insert parenthesis while typing Common-Lisp code.
    There are 338 functions, macros or special operators in COMMON-LISP
    that have a fixed number of arguments, therefore for which
    parenthesis can be deduced automatically.
    When a space is typed, the current sexps is analysed, and parenthesis
    are added before the point accordingly to what is known of the
    Common-Lisp syntax.
    In addition, the expected argument is indicated in the mini-buffer.
    Usage with slime:  (byte-compile-file "pjb-cl-magic.el")
    (load-file "pjb-cl-magic.elc")
    (setf *pjb-cl-magic-case*   (function identity-region)
    *pjb-cl-magic-indent* nil)
    To use with another common-lisp mode, add to your common-lisp mode hook:
    (local-set-key  " " 'pjb-cl-magic-space)
    This is a proof-of-concept.  There remains quite a number of
    missing features (see BUGS below).
    More sophisticated or complete handling would need to parse the
    whole file or the whole project sources, (or worse, introspect
    an inferior-lisp where the already typed in code would have
    been REPLed, like in Slime).
    This would be impractical (having to patch (or hook) a lot of
    emacs input, or too slow (here, we have to parse again the current
    sexps every time a space is typed).
    My conclusion is that it would be better to have a synthesizer
    editor, (which could be implemented in emacs or hemlock).
  • pjb-class
    Some stuff for classes.
  • pjb-constants
    Defines constants of physics.
  • pjb-cvs
    This module exports an application that analyses CVS revision graphs.
  • pjb-cvspass
    This module exports a function to unscramble CVS passwords stored
    in "~/.cvspass".
  • pjb-erc
    ERC stuff.
    Don't worry anymore about flooding a channel!
    This yank function for erc uses lisppaste when the text to yank
    is more than *erc-yank-flood-limit* lines long.
    If the text is below this limit, it's yanked using the function
    set in *erc-yank-function* (eg. can be yank or delete-region-and-yank).
    Otherwise, if the current buffer is one of the buffer where lisppaste
    works, then use lisppaste on this buffer (and let lisppaste send its
    notification message; the Title is taken as the first non empty line
    of the pasted text).
    Otherwise, the text is pasted to the "None" lisppaste channel, and the
    url of the lisppaste is yanked into the current buffer.
    You can safely use:
    (global-set-key (kbd "C-y") (function erc-yank))
    or just add it to some erc buffer hook.
  • pjb-font
    Font stuff.
  • pjb-dot
    Generate dot files from graphs (pjb-graph).
  • pjb-dodo
    Trace daily start and stop times and plot them.
  • pjb-emacs
    This module exports various functions usefull only in interactive
    emacs sessions.
  • pjb-computer-paper
  • pjb-euro
    This module exports
  • pjb-graph
    Graph class.
  • pjb-i2p-expression
    This packages exports functions to convert infix expressions
    to prefix s-expressions,
    and to simplify and evaluate these s-expressions.
    i2p-calculette, i2p-evaluate, i2p-eval, i2p-simplify, i2p-expression.
    SEE ALSO: pjb-expression.el which implement a calculette, evaluate and
    parse from a string instead of from a parsed i-expr.
  • pjb-layers
    This module exports a major mode for editing layers of texts.
    The layers are pages (separated by ^L) which can be merged.
  • pjb-list
    This module exports some list functions.
  • pjb-mail
    This module exports various functions related to mail handling.
  • pjb-make-depends
    This elisp script generates dependencies for lisp sources, based on
    (require) sexps, a load-path, and ad-hoc processing.
    Object files can be either elisp compiled (.elc) or clisp compiled
    (.fas) or cmucl compiled (.x86f)
    and source files can be either elisp (.el) or clisp or cmucl (.lisp,
    .lsp, .cl), and elisp sources may (require) common-lisp files
    (.lisp, .lsp, .cl extensions for sources, but .elc compiled form).
  • pjb-objc-mode
    This module exports
  • pjb-object
    This is a root class for my classes.
    The main purpose is to implement here compatibility stuff.
  • pjb-pgp
    This module defines emacs lisp functions to integrate pgp with emacs.
    It can be configured by a set of constants and a variable.
    variable pgp-signer    --> Specifies the key used to sign.
    variable pgp-command   --> Specifies the OpenPGP program to use.
    The public (interactive) functions are:
    pgp-encrypt-conventional-region (key)
    pgp-encrypt-conventional-buffer (key)
    pgp-decrypt-conventional-region (key)
    pgp-decrypt-conventional-buffer (key)
    pgp-sign-region (pass-phrase)
    pgp-sign-buffer (pass-phrase)
    pgp-check-sign-region ()
    pgp-check-sign-buffer ()
    pgp-sign-encrypt-region (pass-phrase recipients)
    pgp-sign-encrypt-buffer (pass-phrase recipients)
    pgp-just-encrypt-region (recipients)
    pgp-just-encrypt-buffer (recipients)
    pgp-decrypt-region (pass-phrase)
    pgp-decrypt-buffer (pass-phrase)
  • pjb-queue
    This module exports a queue type. This is a structure optimized for
    FIFO operations, keeping a pointer to the head and the tail of a list.
  • pjb-roman
    This module exports
  • pjb-s2p-expression
    This module exports
  • pjb-secouer
    Exports a function "secouer" that will randomize the order of
    internal letters of words in the selected region.
    Eroxtps a funtcion "scuoeer" that wlil raoindmze the oedrr of
    intnaerl letetrs of wrods in the steceeld rgioen.
  • pjb-selftrade
    This module exports
  • pjb-server
    This module exports functions to manage a TCP server process in emacs
    (using netcat to listen).
  • pjb-sources
    This module exports functions helpful in writting programs.
    See also state-coding.el
  • pjb-state-coding
       The purpose of this program is to generate a structure encoding the
            hierarchical structucture of states into a bit field.
    00000011 top-level-states
    00000000 A
    00000001 B
    00000010 C
    00000011 D
    00001111 A-substates
    00000100 AA
    00001000 AB
    00001100 AC
    00000111 C-substates
    00000110 CA
    00011111 D-substates
    00000111 DA
    00001011 DB
    00001111 DC
    00010011 DD
    00010111 DE
    00011011 DF
    01111111 DD-substates
    00110011 DDA
    01010011 DDB
    00011111 D-substates D abstract
    00000011 DA
    00000111 DB
    00001011 DC
    00001111 DD abstract
    00010011 DE
    00010111 DF
    00111111 DD-substates DD abstract
    00001111 DDA
    00101111 DDB
  • pjb-shell
    shell/nshell defined as functions instead of advices.
  • pjb-strings
    This module exports string utility functions.
  • pjb-transpose
    This file exports functions to transpose or rotate the
    characters of a region.
  • pjb-utilities
    This module exports various utility functions.
  • pjb-vm-kill-file
    A kill file feature for vm.
  • pjb-work
    This module exports function to insert timestamps when
    starting and stoping work, and updating total lines.
  • pjb-worldfact
    Functions to process the CIA Worldfact.