-*- Mode: Shell-script; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Oracle8Adaptor v. 0.6d29 This is only a fix of the current state. The adaptor has been renamed from 'Oracle' to 'Oracle8', since this is based on the OCI v.8 API. The 'Oracle*' classes have been renamed 'Oracle8*'. The 'O2CI8*' classes have been renamed 'O2CI88*'. A branch will be done now to develop an 'Oracle7' adaptor, based on the OCI v.7 API. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Oracle8Adaptor v. 0.5dXXX - Correctly numbered versions. - Implemented -[Oracle8Adaptor hasValidConnectionDictionary]. - Added 'FOR UPDATE' to the 'SELECT' when needed... - Added some retains (debugged). - Remaining to do: - Getting the Metadata! - Handle nested transactions. - Implement NLS_LANG and see brothers. - Cleaning up (removing non usefull classes). - Check thread-cleaness, meaning: check all the static variables! -Bugs: - Should not report this OCI_NO_DATA error at the end of the fetch. - Why an EOAttribute gets a SEGV when releasing its name? ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Oracle8Adaptor v. 0.0.4 Tue Aug 3 12:11:49 CEST 1999 - Basic Fetching works. - Updating, Inserting, Delete work, but the qualifiers are not taken into account. - Downloading metadata is not implemented yet. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Oracle8Adaptor v. 0.0.3 Sun Aug 1 06:33:59 CEST 1999 - Transactions work. If nested transactions were needed, I could add them easily. - Inserting is implemented and tested. - Deleting may work, but has not been tested. - Fetching has not progressed. - Downloading metadata is not implemented yet. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Oracle8Adaptor v. 0.0.2 Tue Jul 27 16:05:06 CEST 1999 Not much is implemented yet. Replaced the OCI layer by new classes using the API OCI v.8 which: - is compatible with Oracle87; - will be supported by Oracle89, while the old API won't; - is much cleaner than the old API. The Oracle8Adapter classes are not updated yet. I don't know if that compiles, however. ------------------------------------------------------------------------